Ales de Elysium llibre

Wings of Elysium

“Wings of Elysium” is channeled information and codes received by Zoriaan.

wings of eylsium

To view all the chapters for free on an eBook version go to “Wings of Elysium”.

Available soon to order will be a hard-copy version in book form with additional mediations, codes, artwork, diagrams for mediation techniques and all the channeled written work.

Featured bellow is the most recent Chapters of “Wings of Elysium”

Capítol 20 “The Soul”

A través d'un sens fi de marees que ha ressuscitat i pujat de nou & a través del temps caigut i reconstruït l'acte. Mentrestant, l'ànima mai canvia, el seu informe, transitori & sense temps, no afectat pel canvi.

Així, des de l'acte continu de tornar de joc de la dualitat & els fluxos i refluxos de l'emoció, tornem de nou al centre, on l'encara punt és omnipresent i sempre hi ha.

Aquest és l'art de la mediació però també és l'art de caminar & viure en la presència total o plena consciència.

Per coneixent aquest estat per si sola és l'única eina necessària per accedir-hi, tota la resta és temporal & miratge. La pols de la ment sempre s'instal · la i posa de manifest aquest, encara que només per un micro-segon, que segueix sent suficient per tenir referència a la pau eterna.

Allà no està obligant necessari per mantenir aquest estat perquè no respon a l'atenció i fins i tot l'atenció no és suficient, ja que està en un flux continu. La font de l'ànima és permanent encara encara en continu moviment tot el temps sense fi ni principi.

La nostra relació amb ell és tan igual d'important per a la nostra relació amb el tot . El món exterior total i l'ànima s'entrellacen com una. Així, la pau es pot fer quan la batalla per governar o controlar tant l'ànima interior i els extrems del món es manifesten exteriors.

No hi ha final o al principi. Només aquest estat intermedi d'ara que experimentem quan els nostres dos estats interiors i exteriors es van rendir a aquesta pau. En aquest estat s'expandeix el cor & un amor se sent com cap altre sentit alguna vegada abans, però aquest estat d'amor sempre es recorda i està profundament familiaritzat.

Hi ha un retorn gradual a aquest en tots els éssers que està succeint. A senyals suau de l'ànima de tornar a un estat d'amor universal. Igual que una reunió de dues parts separades de reunions com un.

Acabar tota la batalla entre els dos i l'obertura de nou el record d'expansió total & sincronitzada amb una immersió en la vasta extensió de l'amor les ànimes, que és un do que ha de ser experimentat en un moment donat per tots els éssers.

Zoriaan 30.4.14

Capítol 19 “The Total Universal Self”

A rumble from within, a turbulence in-between space and time, an invocation of energy beyond the powers of creation which is purely the self.

A gesture is all it takes. A invite to the self to remember full potential and the full function of the human body.

Bliss can be obtained at any given moment, if it is allowed. It is more than any given moment it is omni-present, ongoing, a free flowing stream that one must just turn inwards to re-discover. The act of self-transformation is purely self returning to the self. There is no transformation only the allowance to end the resistance to what is already there.

The physical devotion to the self is important. For external reflections are merely guides to remind the self on its own way home.

Immense love is there when the self-imposed restrictions are dissolved, love flowing from within & out from the body & reflected back from external life. A symbiotic perfection that always was there. Honor your body so your mind can be at peace.

The currents of the soul, rivers of bliss cascading down and up the body continually, sparking life into cells & cleansing layers of thought. Becoming conscious of this alone is a invitation for full transcendence & immersion into the total self. Nothing more is needed. It’s within all beings. It is not a switch that can be turned on or off, it is ever flowing.

The breath is the guide & teacher and carries you into a place that is the total universal self.

The simple act of just remembering this is the art-form itself. For the body can go on auto-pilot. It already knows how to navigate and utilize full consciousness the only restriction is the mind’s judgment.

Within the centre of this stream beyond the currents and winds of energy is the still-point where the total universal self lays and all that is. No desire is left no future or past, purely the Atman at the centre of the soul.

From this place we can begin remembering how to live in pure consciousness.

Zoriaan 14.12.13

Capítol 18 “The Void”

Climbing the escalator of a progression into the void. Entering the void is art of returning into full presence.

Entering the void being free of thought, time and space, but being fully awake in a body in the present here and now reality. It is like leaving and returning at the point within zero thought but total 100% coneixement.

The space between the gaps is where this void lays. It is neither a destination or a location but purely a space that your consciousness can slide into at will.

Freedom from thought can be amplified by love, which in turn switches on light in the void. So you can see reality with new eyes, light, colour and interconnectedness. Life seen as though you have never seen it before. Total presence in this now.

At this point there is also no attachment to life or death, there is purely only the now.

Love is the gateway to total expansion & the in and out breath the greatest teacher of all.

A simple sine wave is the sound of awakening you will hear like a bell-sound reverberating through the human skull.

Leave your fears at the door for only from liberation of the bondage of thought and attachment can there be access to stillness and total presence.

The Egyptian Ankh is a key to the great mysteries of timelessness. One must embody it to understand it. Literally internalize the symbol.

The higher dimensions are merging into this now. Amplifying presence & loosening the veils of illusion inch by inch. We are not going anywhere but deeper onto this present reality.

Try not to resist it or hide in shame or guilt of future or past events. Drink pure water to assist the electrical process within the body.

Your spirit has traveled fathoms of time to be here for this time now. Honor that journey the best way that only you know how to do.

8.7.13 zoriaan

To view all the chapters for free on an eBook version go to “Wings of Elysium”.

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